Alright, time for a another set of wild life pics. Looks like Facebook fixed the photo posting GUI. I was able to add captions before posting. Nice

This female Black-chinned hummingbird picture took me 20 shots, but it was well worth it. I spotted another such hummingbird on her nest a few days ago but the light was not good as it was late in the day. I will be going there very early tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

The male California quail on the bottom left is looking for a mate, while the mocking bird, who is very territorial, on the top right is monitoring him suspiciously.

I was hiking with my wife one day when I noticed this young hawk in the distance. He was hovering low among the bushes, so I got closer, and closer and got 50 pictures, but the following 2 are the best. I think he was hunting small game.

This is a pretty common snail which I caught during the last rainy few days. I had been wanting to catch one of these guys with my new macro lens.

I spotted this "differential grasshopper" on a log, thought "let's see what I can do with you". Funny thing I feel that he looks better in this picture than what I remember seeing.