For this week’s post, I have only one bird. Yes, all the pics in the gallery today are just this one bird. It is the real roadrunner. There are 2 kinds of roadrunners, the greater roadrunner and the lesser roadrunner. The bird in this week’s gallery is the greater roadrunner.
I can only presume that this is the bird which inspired the creators of the “Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner” cartoons. I am saying this because I was unable to find any evidence. Strangely enough there is detailed information about the origin of Wile E. Coyote, but nothing for Road Runner.
Anyway, one day I was having lunch on my patio, when I spotted a butterfly that I wished to photograph. I saw that he flew to the front of the house, so I went inside and came out through my front door. I didn’t see the butterfly, but I spotted this beautiful roadrunner on the hill slope right across the street.
He just seemed so interesting that I took 60 shots. I picked the best 8 for your pleasure.

Some interesting facts about roadrunners (you can also read this in the captions):
- I observed that roadrunners really like to stay on trails. So, I suspect that’s the reason for their name.
- The greater roadrunner can run up to 26 miles per hour, faster than the average human.
- Coyotes actually do catch and eat this bird in nature. And, although their success rate is not clearly established, I would guess it’s probably much higher than that of poor Wile E. Coyote.
- On the other hand, they can kill and eat rattlesnakes, among other poisonous preys. This one, as you can see here, was particularly interested in a snail. I think he ate it because it’s missing in the following pictures (not shown in this series).
- They eat mostly other animals, insects, frogs and even birds. They will also eat fruit and seeds generally in the winter.
- They are very well adapted for life in deserts and can live up to 7 years.
- Roadrunners can fly in case of threats but it will be limited to short distances. They don’t fly well.
- Roadrunner couples mate for life. They renew their commitment each spring with an elaborate courting ritual.
If you want to know more about this beautiful bird:
Love the pics and was enthralled with the article you wrote ?
Thank you very much Michael.
I have met this bird many times during my hikes, but it’s kind of an irony that I took the best shot of him right in front of my house. Like I have said many time, it’s as if all the animals spread the word around that there is this guy taking pictures and if you want to be on the web, you got to go pay him a visit.
Do you ever see ravens? I’ve seen one close up at a vet’s and my dad talked to one on a light post close to our house 🙂
I spent some time learning the difference between crows and ravens because I wanted to be sure about all these black birds in our neighborhood. So regarding your question, right now, I would have to say no. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t any. Your question makes me wonder, so I will keep an eye out for them, see if I can catch them with my camera 😉
Love the detailed work you put into these picture Serge.
Thank you G. I am glad you like them.